Fritz Perlberg
Memorial Service

vancouver-ardas-05Fritz lived and worked in Vancouver, BC Canada for several years during the 1970's. There he learned and taught yoga and meditation, and established several small businesses, including a community arts center, a newspaper, magazine and publishing business.

He was instrumental in setting the foundation of a community that survives and thrives to this day.

The leaders of the Vancouver Sikh community held a special memorial to honor their old friend, playing music, offering prayers and celebrating with shared food, in the Sikh custom.

click one of the small "play" triangles below
to hear what was said;
click here to see photos taken at this service

"You are my protection..."

some of Fritz' favorite music from the Sikh tradition

Introduction, from Guru Raj Kaur Khalsa

"He always stayed on the beat..."

"The essence of the Name is bright"

more favorite music, abstract and passionate

"Wisdom beyond limit"

A simple chanting meditation.

"My mind is fixed on the infinite"

Young Nirinjan Kaur Khalsa offers her voice.

Prayer of Bliss

The whole company sings in unison.

Closing meditation

A leader of the community, Hari Singh Khalsa,
offers his personal memories

Final Prayer

"He annihilates and destroys death..."
a prayer selected at random for this occasion


The whole group joins in singing "Akal" -- the "undying soul"

An audio CD has been made of this memorial, and of the memorial held a few days earlier in Baltimore, MD; if you would like a copy, please send an email to Michael North.

if you have any problem playing this audio,
you may need to reinstall or upgrade your MP3 player;
a free, useful one is available here: QuickTime

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